• (91) 97736-15233

  • info@theoryofpurpose.com

Our Services

Organization Visioning and Values Blueprinting

We help create, and/or revisit the Vision and Mission Board, and Values Manifesto to strengthen and cascade the values throughout the organization. It is easy to revise an organization chart and restructure hierarchy but revising values, vision and mission involves a shift in mindsets, attitudes and commitments. And then, creating a mission and vision and values manifesto is easy – but bringing them to life and putting them to action, is the key. Through our Vision and Values blueprint, we identify the critical values and direction, the core components which deserve attention, and blueprint them into the organization’s DNA. When leaders live the values, they demonstrate them through the way they interact, converse and lead the way for others. They can role model authentic and purpose driven decision making, consequentially exemplifying it for the organization.

Reasons to renovate your Core Values with action, movement, participation, meaning, and measurement.

1. To improve the odds of attracting and hiring the best employees.

2. To improve the odds of keeping the best employees that you already have.

3. To give employees bragging rights material about their company’s great workplace.

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization which form a cultural foundation on which they perform work and conduct themselves. Some typical Core Values are ethics, integrity, trust, innovation, humility, passion, commitment, loyalty, dependability, diversity, responsibility, and respect.

The intent of Core Values is admirable but they are often idle. Seldom are they are intentionally thought about. Only 25% of employees strongly believe in their company values and less than half remember what they are. Most are generic and philosophical words lacking active employee participation.

We suggest converting Core value words or phrases into Wellbeing Pledge scripts that describe actions to bring Core Values to life.

A Wellbeing Pledge script describes actions for a Core Value to become a living event with employee participation. A Wellbeing Pledge script has a resemblance to scripts for stage plays with actions and actors.

Wellbeing Pledge Criteria

Employee pride and happiness at work quickly spread throughout the community. Wellbeing Pledge scripts help to make that a reality.

    Following are the conditions to be considered as a Wellbeing Pledge.

  • Pledges are for the betterment of Wellbeing
  • Pledges are explicitly linked to one or more Pillars such as core values or Gallup’s essential elements.
  • Pledges are actionable and have movement.
  • Pledges have a clear structure and process.
  • Pledges have details for implementation.
  • Pledges are implementable – the know-how and resources exist to put them into effect.
  • Pledges are distinctive and not the usual perk or benefits.
  • Pledges are measurable – the effects can be directly and clearly measured.

Wellbeing Culture Recognition

After an organization has created Wellbeing Pledge scripts and implemented them, they are eligible to receive the Culture Ambassadors’ recognition as a Wellbeing Culture. This is a graphic representing the words “Award as a Wellbeing Culture” along with the date and company name. The company may use this in its promotional materials.


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Gerald R. Wagner, PHD

Founder (President)

Gerald R. Wagner, PhD., is the Founder and President of the company. He was a co-founder of the fields Decision Support System (DSS) and Group Decision Support System (GDS) and started four entrepreneurial ventures in these areas. Jerry has been on the faculty at the University f Texas, Austin, Texas A&M, the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and Bellevue University. During a period of his time at the University of Nebraska, he was a Gallup Senior Scientist. While at UNO, he was named the Nebraska Technology Professor of the year. Also, while at UNO he started the BSc. degree in IT Innovation in the College Information Science and Technology.


Culture Crafting and Culture Invigorating Journeys

Your organization culture can make or break your strategy. Culture isn’t by accident. It is shaped and forged by conversations, actions and behaviors. Assess your current organizational culture and design your aspired ideal culture going forward with the Culture Crafting Framework we have developed and mastered.
When values have to come off the wall and into business, they have to be embedded in the guardrails of the organization’s governance. Operating systems them need to be cognizant of these values, thereby fostering greater trust-based support systems, human operating systems. We work with the teams to foster an organization culture reflective of these values in every process and framework.

Change Management Initiatives

Every organization undergoes change either organically or inorganically. The change often has to do with mindset rather than external forces. We work with leaders to incorporate and nudge departments, functions and teams through the sensitive journey of change. Change could be in systems, processes and in cultures. They all need one thing in common – the mindset that accepts change. Theory of Purpose helps craft change management initiatives to help organizations transform.